Thursday, February 27, 2014

I talked to Nisonper Behavior Support System. I talked to someone who has a patient  with Fragile X Syndrome. I asked them how it is working with them and what is hard on him. They told me that he has difficulties transitioning into different things. Like going to the store and then going somewhere else like getting gas. They have then created a everyday schedule for him so he knows step by step what he will be doing. Behavioral wise they said he can get very upset and when this happens he starts to hit. When they notice that he is about to get upset, they take him to a quite area and gets him to clam down so he doesn't hit anybody. They have worked with him on transitions in everyday life and controlling his emotion. This is just some actions taken by one person who is diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome and not everybody is the same. But this is an example of what daily life is with a person who had Fragile X.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sources that I found my information on that you can look at if you have any questions with the information that I provided

Reference Source
Archive & annotate pageEBSCO Industries. "Fragile X Syndrome." Info Ohio. N.p.: EBSCO Industries, 2014.
     N. pag. Consumer Health Complete. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

View live Web page
Archive & annotate page Facts about Fragile X Syndrome. Child Development Institute, 2000. Web. 2 Feb.
     2014. <

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Archive & annotate page Fragile X Syndrome. Counsyl, 2014. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

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Archive & annotate page Health and Safety: Fragile X Syndrome. Family and Social Services
     Administration, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. <

Article Health Guide 18 Apr. 2010. Print.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Here is a to another website that gives additional information about Fragile X Syndrome and other links to more websites

Also here are some pictures


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Facts about Fragile X Syndrome

  • It has been found that some people with Fragile X Syndrome can have normal IQ's
  • It is the most common inherited mental retardation 
  • It affects both males and females
  • IQ is defined as below 70
  • Mothers who are carriers have mild if any symptoms and most likely do not know they are carriers 
  • Children diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome has increased in the last decade
  • The frequency of the syndrome is greater in males than in females 
  • Fragile X Syndrome develops over time so people are not always born with it 
Here is a link to a informational site that talks more about Fragile X Syndrome and gives you more links to other websites

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What is the life expectancy of people with Fragile X Syndrome?

People who have Fragile X Syndrome can live as long as a normal person. This disease does not affect how long the person can live.

Can this disease be cured by treatments?

The answer to this is no. Scientist have not found a cure to Fragile X Syndrome but there is therapy that can help with this disease.

Here is a video that shows what people look like with Fragile X Syndrome and talks about what Fragile X Syndrome is.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Here is a YouTube video that gives more information on Fragile X Syndrome and how this mental retardation can be inherited.

Here is another YouTube video that shows what life is like from a moms perspective on having two sons with Fragile X Syndrome.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to determine someone with Fragile X Syndrome?

Normally parents would notice delayed development in infants and toddlers. You can get developmental screening done to determine the nature of delays in a child. You can find this out through a genetic test.

How is it Inherited?

It is caused by abnormality in a single gene called FMR-1 located on the X chromosome.

1 in 4,000 males and 1 in 6,000-8,000 females in all ethnic groups.

Monday, February 17, 2014

What is Fragile X Syndrome?

Fragile X Syndrome is a term for mental retardation. It was discovered in 1943 by James Purdon Martin and Julia Bell.  Some symptoms of Fragile X Syndrome is...

  1. Delay in crawling, walking, and twisting 
  2. Hand clapping
  3. Hyperactive or impulsive behavior
  4. intellectual disability
  5. Speech and language delay
  6. Tendency to avoid eye contact
  7. Flat feet
  8. Flexible joints and low muscle tones
  9. Large body size
  10. Large forehead or ears with a prominent jaw
  11. Long face
  12. Soft skin